
The cmepy.solver module computes numerical solutions to the Chemical Master Equation (CME).

Creating a solver

Solver instances are obtained by calling the function cmepy.solver.create(). This requires the two arguments model and sink:

  • The model argument is the model representing the system of reactions to solve. To create a model, use cmepy.model.create(). For more information regarding the model format, see cmepy.model.
  • The sink argument is a Boolean flag. If sink is True, the solver will include a ‘sink’ state used to accumulate any probability that may flow outside the domain. This can be used to measure the error in the solution due to truncation of the domain. If sink is False, the solver will not include a ‘sink’ state, and probability will be artificially prevented from flowing outside of the domain.

To specify the initial conditions for the CME, the optional arguments p_0 and t_0 may be passed to cmepy.solver.create():

  • p_0 : the initial probability distribution. If given, this must be a dictionary from the states in the state space (with respect to the state space used by the model) to the initial probabilities. By default, when p_0 is not specified, then the argument model must contain the attribute model.initial_state. In this case, the initial probability distribution p_0 is defined to be all probability concentrated at the initial state, that is,

    p_0 = { model.initial_state : 1.0 }
  • t_0 : the initial solution time. By default, t_0 = 0.0.

Finally, two additional optional key word arguments may be passed. These are time_dependencies and domain_states:

  • time_dependencies : time dependency data. If given, this must be a dictionary of functions taking a time t and returning a scalar, keyed by sets of reaction indices.

    See Time-dependent propensity functions.

  • domain_states : states to include in the domain. If given, this must be an array of states.

    See Sparse state spaces.

Using a solver

Suppose we have obtained a solver instance for the model m, using the function cmepy.solver.create():

from cmepy import model, solver

m = model.create(
    ... # model definition goes here

s = solver.create(m, sink = True)

The solution of the solver s can be advanced to time t by calling:


Typically, the solver is stepped over a range of times inside a for loop. For example, to step the solver forward from time 0 to time 10, using 11 evenly spaced steps (including time 0), use:

import numpy

time_steps = numpy.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 11)

for t in time_steps:

The current solution and solution time stored by the solver can be accessed using the atttributes s.y and s.t respectively. If the solver s was created with the sink = True flag set, then s.y will have a value of the form:

(p, p_sink) = s.y

where p is the approximate solution of the CME and p_sink is the probability contained by the sink state. Here, p is a probability distribution, which is represented as a dictionary of probabilities, keyed by states in the domain, while p_sink is a scalar containing the net probability that has ‘leaked’ outside the domain into the sink state.

Conversely, if the solver s was created with the sink flag set to False, then s.y will have a value of the form:

p = s.y

where p is a probability distribution of the same form as described above.


For a solver s, the time t passed to s.step(t) must not be less than the solver’s current solution time, s.t, otherwise a ValueError will be raised.

Additionally, in a rather ugly complication, if the time t is ‘too large’, the underlying ‘VODE’ ODE solver, obtained from scipy.integrate.ode(), may fail to converge. If this occurs, a RuntimeError will be raised, and VODE will display an error message. If such errors occur, try reducing the size of the time steps.

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