Sparse state spaces

The cmepy.solver.create() function accepts the optional keyword argument domain_states. By default, if no domain_states argument is given, CmePy generates a dense ‘rectangular’ state space with dimensions specified by m.shape, where m is the value of the model argument passed to cmepy.solver.create().

However, often it is far more efficient to specify sparse state spaces. The cmepy.domain module provides a number of utility routines to ease the construction of sparse state spaces. The most important one is the from_iter() function:


from_iter(state_iter) -> array

Returns array of all states from the state iterator ‘state_iter’.

Provided we have a suitable state_iter, we can create a solver using the sparse state space defined by state_iter as follows:

from cmepy import domain, model, solver

m = model.create(
    ... # model definition goes here

state_iter = ... # create state_iter somehow

s = solver.create(
    model = m,
    sink = True,
    domain_states = domain.from_iter(state_iter)

But what is a ‘state iterator’? A state iterator is simply any iterable object – such as a list, a set, a dictionary or a generator expression – that contains states. The states provided by the state iterator are assumed to be length-d tuples of integers, for some fixed integer d \geq 1.

Example: sparse state space for a mono-molecular system

For a concrete example, consider the following mono-molecular system of reactions:

A \xrightarrow{k_1} B \xrightarrow{k_2} C \xrightarrow{k_3} \star \; ,

where k_1, k_2, k_3 are all positive constants, and the initial copy counts are A_0 = n, B_0 = 0, C_0 = 0, for some positive integer n.


Here, C \xrightarrow{} \star is used to denote a ‘pure decay’ reaction. This reaction consumes the species C and produces nothing, which is denoted \star. If this seems distasteful, another interpretation is to simply assume that the reaction in fact transforms C into some product which we ignore.

Let’s consider a reaction count state space for this model. Let each state x = (x_0, x_1, x_2) be a triple of non-negative integers, where x_0, x_1 and x_2 denote the counts of the reactions A \xrightarrow{} B, B \xrightarrow{} C and C \xrightarrow{} \star respectively.

Since the third reaction may only occur following the second reaction, which in turn may only occur after the first reaction, which can occur up to n times, the state space \Omega \subset \mathbb{N}^3 is defined as:

\Omega :=
\left\{ (x_0, x_1, x_2) \; : \; (x_0, x_1, x_2) \in \mathbb{N}^3
\;, \; 0 \leq x_2 \leq x_1 \leq x_0 \leq n \right\}

We can define a generator in Python to yield precisely these states:

def gen_states(n):
    for x_0 in xrange(n + 1):
        for x_1 in xrange(x_0 + 1):
            for x_2 in xrange(x_1 + 1):
                yield (x_0, x_1, x_2)

We call the generator with some chosen value for the initial copy count n of the species A, say n = 25, then pass the result as the domain_states keyword argument when creating the solver, after transformation via the function domain.from_iter():

s = solver.create(
    model = m,
    sink = True,
    domain_states = domain.from_iter(gen_states(25))

Example: sparse state space for Gardner’s gene toggle model

Consider the following system, consisting of the two imaginatively-named species S1 and S2 :

\textrm{reaction} &&
\textrm{transition} &&
\textrm{propensity} \\
\textrm{production of $S1$} &&
\star \xrightarrow{} S1 &&
\frac{16}{1 + [S2]} \\
\textrm{production of $S2$} &&
\star \xrightarrow{} S2 &&
\frac{16}{1 + [S1]^{2.5}} \\
\textrm{decay of $S1$} &&
S1 \xrightarrow{} \star &&
[S1] \\
\textrm{decay of $S2$} &&
S2 \xrightarrow{} \star &&

The initial copy counts are zero copies of both S1 and S2.

This system is Munsky & Khammash’s formulation of Gardner’s gene toggle [GCC00], [MK08]. The two species S1 and S2 compete: copies of S1 inhibit the production of S2, while conversely, copies of S2 inhibit the production of S1. The solution of the chemical master equation for this system after t = 100 seconds illustrates the result of these competetive dynamics:

Joint distribution of S1 and S2 at t = 100

Since most of the probability is concentrated around the axes, we can still obtain a good approximation to the solution of the CME by only considering the states near each axis. We create a state space from the union of two rectangular regions about the axes as follows:

from cmepy import domain

r_a = (66, 6)
r_b = (10, 26)
states_a = set(domain.to_iter(domain.from_rect(r_a)))
states_b = set(domain.to_iter(domain.from_rect(r_b)))
states = domain.from_iter(states_a | states_b)

The function domain.from_rect() transforms the given shapes r_a and r_b to arrays containing all the states in the corresponding rectangular regions. We then contruct sets containing these states, using the function domain.to_iter() to create state iterators over the given state arrays. Finally, we union the two sets states_a and states_b via states_a | states_b, which is equivalent to states_a.union(states_b), then transform the resulting set to a state array by applying the function domain.from_iter().


[GCC00]Gardner, T.S. and Cantor, C.R. and Collins, J.J., Construction of a genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli, Nature (2000), volume 403, pp. 339 – 342.
[MK08]Munsky, B. and Khammash, M., Computation of switch time distributions in stochastic gene regulatory networks, Proc. 2008 American Control Conference (June 2008), pp. 2761 – 2766.